The name 'computer age' can only be justified when everyone posses a PC or laptop. By the effort of IITs and IISc, the HRD minister unveiled a low-cost laptop for students at the price tag of Rs 1,500 ($35) only.
The indigenous laptop is expected to be available by next year 2011. The sleek-looking device having all elementary features including internet browsing is designed by experts at IIT, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
The laptop can be owned by the public at large, but is intended to the school children, and university students. Minister Sibal said, especially, the device is made under the education policy Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and can be available with 50% subsidy to educational institutions and will be available at Rs 750 only.
However, the price is likely to be down for students after the negotiation with the company. The laptop is based on Open Source without having a hard-drive.
Having video-web conferencing facility, the low-cost laptop features multimedia content viewer (pdf, docx, ods, adp, xls, jpeg, gif,png, bmp, odt, zip, AVCHD, AVI, AC3), searchable Pdf reader, unzip tool for unzipping files, computing capabilities such as Open Office, SciLab for printing support, media player capable of playing streamed along with stored media files, USB port etc.
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